One of the ways we bring people together is through Peacemaking Circle Process which is steeped in Native American and indigenous people practices throughout the world. In essence a group of people sit in a circle and is guided by a trained circle keeper who creates a safe, non-hierarchical place where everyone has the opportunity to speak without interruption with the use of a talking piece. The circle upholds values such as:
- respect
- compassion
- honesty
- responsibility
- accountability
- diversity
- equality
- confidentiality
Because of the circle process many people find that the deep listening and ability to speak without interruption brings healing, understanding and transformation for everyone involved.
Some of the benefits are:
- achieve greater understanding of people/issues
- develop collaborative skills
- resolve conflict
- make decisions through consensus vs directives or majority rules
- build relationships and community
Restorative Justice and Circle Process have been practiced, studied and researched for years. Use the links below to learn more about Restorative Justice, Circles and how they’re used throughout the world:
Centre for Justice and Reconciliation
Restorative Justice OnlineUniversity of Minnesota Center for Restorative Justice and Peacemaking